Grei kar...
Published on September 28, 2008 By Erlend In MyColors





Sorry if this has been asked before - I searched but could not find the answers (though i fear I know what they are already... )


1) Is it possible to extract individual parts (WB skin) of a MyColors theme and apply them separately through "their own" application (WB) ?

2) If yes: Is it in any way possible to download MyColors themes without first installing MyColors?

    if no:   Is it possible to deselect/disable individual parts of a MyColors theme before applying them?


I ask because usually I'm just interested in the WB skin and not icons, walls, widgets etc. and there are some nice looking MyColors themes that I would be interested in trying out... Also it seems like a waste having to install MyColors when I'm just interested in the WB skin... AND since the free OD subscriber skins now come as MyColors themes....


(I'm not in any way trying to say that MyColors is a bad product, it's probably a great way to freshen up the desktop! I just don't need/want ALL of it... )


regards, Erlend


Edit: Yup, I'm stupid. Just TRIED downloading a few of the free themes and renaming them to .zip. Happy with the result!

But that still leaves the free OD subs themes that seems to require Impulse and MyColors installed to download....



Edit 2: Sorry for wasting your time. Found answers to all my q's.

Renaming .mycolors to .zip solved first problem and using direct download link (requesting copy of serial numbers from SD support) allows me to download OD subscriber skins without installig MyColors.  Hurrah! I assume this works for any themes I eventually purchase as well...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 28, 2008

Rename Theme name.MyColors to Theme and extract.

on Sep 28, 2008

If yes: Is it in any way possible to download MyColors themes without first installing MyColors?

You should be able to, save to disc instead of open with MyColors.


Is it possible to deselect/disable individual parts of a MyColors theme before applying them?


From settings tab in MyColors, check I want to see advanced options when applying suites. When apply a suite you will get a dialog that lets you select what to apply.

on Sep 28, 2008

Thanks Cavan1! Found out some of this about 2 sec. after first post....

on Sep 28, 2008

If you install and manage them through MyColors and/or Impulse you'll get notified if there's an update for a theme though.  Doesn't happen very often, but it's something to consider.

on Sep 28, 2008


Of course there had to be a catch. I'll have to check manually from time to time then...


That reminds me, if someone "on the inside" read this: I miss some of the more detailed info and sorting options ("details view?") from SDC in Impulse... Instead of having to first select an application in order to get version and date info. And it would also be cool if Impulse could remember sorting options between sessions...


Thanks for the tip, DaveRI!

on Sep 28, 2008

You mean it's actually possible? Anytime I've gotten a MyColors theme, I only got a link to download MyColors itself, which would then check the registration and download and install the theme that way. Didn't think you could just download a .zip file.

on Sep 29, 2008



That's what I got too, first.

But then, in desperation, I tried the second download link from the support mail, which was a direct link to the .zip-file!

Edit: Only tried with Burgundy Desktop. I hope/assume it works with other themes too...


on Sep 29, 2008

Doesn't work with mine, Outlook won't open it, like it's not a real link. When I view the source, it only goes to a href="Install" which is bogus, no zip (this is for the purchased themes).

on Sep 29, 2008

what i do, is the mycolors i have purchased, and installed, well i dont run mycolors, i just run windowblinds, and apply theskins that way, it works for me, maybe i am just lucky i guess, i am a huge fan of mycolors, and when i get bored i tend to experiment,

on Sep 29, 2008

Darn... Maybe some of the many 's and 's higher up should be replaced with  's and  's...

Of the different suites/applications I have registrations for, only the Burgundy Desktop link seems to work like I said...

Then I'm out of ideas for now... Maybe what you sugguest jpmurph1 is the easiest solution...


Any Stardock officials willing to offer their proffesional advice? If it isn't possible today, then maybe allowing downloading of MyColors-suites as .zip files could be an idea for the future?

on Sep 29, 2008

Ya as long as MyColors is installed and the theme has been extracted jpmurph's method works fine, it's not a fluke.

on Oct 03, 2008

plzz somebody tell me the diff between windowblinds , my colours , object desktop ... impulse got free version of my colurs to install but i dunno xactly wat my colurs will do to my system different from window blinds....

on Oct 03, 2008

MyColors applies a compete theme with limited user interaction.  It has the Windowblinds engine (along with IconPackager engine and Gadgets) embedded in it.

Windowblinds allows you to apply many windowblind skins like in the gallery:

Object Desktop is a subscription to a application suite that allows you to change many parts of yoru desktop.  (Winndowblinds is included in this suite)

on Oct 03, 2008

And on the pratical side (i.e., money) with MyColors the MyColors application is free, with a few free themes, and you pay for the other themes.  With WB and Object Desktop, you pay for the applications and can get a lot of free skins (don't know for sure how much you can get free without buying a subscription to this site) and also buy some other premium skins and suites if you like.

Me, I'm a pig, I use both.

on Oct 03, 2008

I assume this works for any themes I eventually purchase as well...

Any of the licenced MyColors themes will have encrypted images and I doubt your going to be able to extract and install them without installing them through MyColors.

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